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How soon can you secure an assignment for me?

A recruiter can outline what documents are needed to arrange an interview (resume, references, and a skills checklist). As soon as we have these items, we can arrange interviews for you with as many facilities as you wish. Interviews are based largely on clinical managers’ availability, and we partner with our facilities to ensure we get your feedback and secure your interview as quickly as possible.

Once you interview, a formal offer will typically follow within a few hours if the facility wants to move forward.

How do per diem assignments work in hospitals?

We have a variety of per diem assignments available and will review these with you prior to you joining the team. As long as we have available needs you are interested in and eligible to help with, we will welcome you to our team and begin the onboarding process. Once you are cleared by our credentialing team and at least one facility where you want to work, you’ll be added to our active per diem roster and can begin to schedule shifts.

You do have to be cleared at each facility where you want to work, and we will continue to work on getting you cleared with as many places as you would like so you have plenty of options. You have total flexibility in where you work, though some facilities require a minimum commitment for how often you pick up time to clear you. Orientation and pay vary by facility, and we will review all of that information in advance with you.

How soon can you secure an assignment for me?

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How soon can I start an assignment?

Most assignments begin 2-4 weeks from the date you accept, based on your hiring and credentialing being completed, as well as the facility education department’s availability to host your orientation. For some assignments, especially those not in hospitals, orientation can be more flexible, and you can start as soon as you’ve completed the hiring and credentialing process.

How is my hourly pay rate determined?

Compensation varies by facility and unit, and you will know your compensation package (both hourly pay rate and MLA) prior to AMS presenting you as a candidate for any assignment. Note that AMS has the flexibility to adjust your hourly pay rate and MLA (within IRS guidelines) to come up with a customized package that works for you.

How long are per diem assignments?

Per diem means “per day,” and these assignments can vary in length. Once you’ve been cleared by our credentialing team and a facility where you want to work, you’ll be added to our active per diem roster. As you get cleared at additional workplaces, you can pick up hours at each as you see fit.

What documents do you need from me to arrange an interview with a facility?

The typical requirements are a current resume, recent references, and a skills checklist.

Can I convert my current contract assignment to AMS ?

Yes! Agency clinicians and educators are empowered to take their assignment through the agency of their choice. If you are unhappy with your agency for any reason or would rather be an AMS employee, we can inform the hospital or client, or school and facilitate your extension to go through AMS.